Tombe belge dans le Ann's Hill Cemetery - Belgisch graf op de Ann's Hill Cemetery, Gosport

1 personne(s)/personen

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SAKI Anselme

Conflit/Conflict: 1940 - 1945; Statut/Statuut: Mort pour la Belgique - Stierf voor België
Naissance/Geboorte : ; Décès/Overlijden : 1944-06-15
Grade - Régiment/Graad - Regiment : Marin - Zeeman Marine marchande - Koopvaardij
Plus d'infos/Meer info: Seaman ANSELME SAKI, Merchant Navy, was born in the Belgium Congo in 1894. He moved to Belgium between the world wars. When Germany invaded Belgium during the "Blitzkrieg", all ships in port, were ordered to make for sea. By doing this, they would not fall into German hands, and thus helping the German war effort. Most of the ships made for Great Britain, although some made landfall in France. Shortly afterwards they were forced to sail once again. Anselme SAKI made Southampton, not surprisingly, his new home; he lodged at Orchard Place, Southampton. Seaman SAKI had survived many convoy runs, covering many thousands of miles. In June 1944, as part of the fleet to supply the allied forces in the liberation of France and ultimately Europe, he was aboard a vessel carrying war materials to Normandy, when his ship was hit by a torpedo, he was badly injured in the explosion. The ship sank, and he was among those rescued from the sea. He was placed aboard a hospital ship and given immediate medical attention, but sadly, on the way back to this country, he died on Thursday 15th June 1944, as a result of the wounds he received in the loss of his ship. Seaman Anselme SAKI was buried on Saturday 17th June 1944, in the War Graves Section and is laid to rest, Row 2 Grave 16, and is commemorated by a CWG headstone (Source: Fiche "Gosport Info").
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