Uit het Hampshire Telegraph, vrijdag 13 november 1914

Service Funeral at Haslar

The first Belgian hero to be interred in the Portsmouth district since the commencement of the war was laid to rest at Haslar Cemetery on Thursday afternoon. His name was Prosper VAN STEEN, aged 25, of the Seventh Infantry Regiment, who died from wounds at Haslar Hospital on Saturday. The coffin, covered by the Belgian flag, was drawn from the Hospital to the cemetery on a gun carriage by a detachment of bluejackets from H.M.S. Victory, and a party of sailors followed. There were no other mourners, but the interment was witnessed by about thirty members of the public. The Rev. Father Hayes officiated, and after the coffin had been lowered into the grave by six men from H.M.S. Victory, the "Last Post" was sounded by a Marine bugler. A wreath of chrysanthemums and autumn leaves between which the Belgian colours were entwined, sent by Admiral and Mrs. Gerald MARESCAUX, rested on the coffin, and two glass wreaths, one from the Belgian officers and the other from the Belgian soldiers at Haslar Hospital, were also conspicuous. These had been obtained as the result of a subscription raised by Emile VANDYCK, one of deceased's comrades.

Source - Bron [185]

Source - Bron : Site "New Zealand war graves project"

Hôpital où est décédé Prosper VAN STEEN - Hospitaal waar Prosper VAN STEEN overleed
Cartes postales anciennes (non datées) - Oude postkaarten (zonder datum)