Battle of the Bulge Memorial
Mémorial de la Bataille des Ardennes
Memorial van de Slag om de Ardennen
Location - Localisation - Ligging : Gerald B. H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery, 200 Duell Road. GPS coordinates - Coordonnées GPS - GPS-coördinaten: +43°01'34.9", -73°36'55.9" Inscription - Inscriptions - Opschriften "[Logo "VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE - ARDENNES"] DEDICATED TO THE GALLANT AND VICTORIOUS MEN AND WOMEN WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE WORD WAR II, 16 DECEMBER 1944 THRU 25 JANUARY 1945 IN BELGIUM AND LUXEMBOURG, THE GREATEST BATTLE EVER FOUGHT BY THE UNITED STATES ARMY PRESENTED BY THE HUDSON VALLEY CHAPTER #49 VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE DEDICATED MAY 2000" Inauguration -Inauguration - Onthullig : May 2000, rededicated December 16, 2016. Ce monument ne comporte pas de noms de victimes de guerre - Er staan geen namen van oorlogsslachtoffers op dit monument |
Photos - Foto's :
Sources - bronnen [139]; [183];