Battle of the Bulge Memorial
Mémorial de la Bataille des Ardennes
Memoriaal van de Slag om de Ardennen
Location - Localisation - Ligging : In front of Brewster Council on Aging building (old Brewster Town Hall), 1673 Main Street. GPS coordinates - Coordonnées GPS - GPS-coördinaten: +41°45'24.5", -70°05'23.3" Inscription - Inscriptions - Opschriften "IN MEMORY DEC. 16, 1944 - JAN. 25, 1945 DEDICATED TO THOSE MEN AND WOMEN WHO FOUGHT IN THE HISTORIC WORLD WAR II BATTLE OF THE BULGE IN THE ARDENNES, BELGIUM CAPE COD & ISLANDS CHAPTER 58 VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE" Description - Description - Beschrijving A small polished granite marker that honors those who participated in the World war Two "Battle of the Bulge", December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945. This marker is located in a large grassy-covered area in front of an old town building which originally served as the Town Offices and now houses the town's Council on Aging. This small marker accompanies 5 large upright boulders, each having a large mounted metal plaque which list the names of Town residents who served in a specified overseas war of the United States (World War One, World War Two, Korean & Vietnam Wars) or have honorably served in the Armed Forces. (Source: Site of the American Legion) Ce monument ne comporte pas de noms de victimes de guerre - Er staan geen namen van oorlogsslachtoffers op dit monument |
Photos - Foto's : Sources - Bronnen [25]; sites "Massachusetts
Military Monuments" and "HMDB
- The Historical Marker Database"