Battle of the Bulge Memorial Bench
Banc commémorant la Bataille des Ardennes
Herdenkingsbank voor de Slag om de Ardennen
Location - Localisation - Ligging : Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum, 200 S E 4th Street. GPS coordinates - Coordonnées GPS - GPS-coördinaten: +38°54'43.8", -97°12'39.5" Inscription - Inscriptions - Opschriften Front face - Face avant - Voorkant "[Logo "VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE - ARDENNES"] VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE KANSAS CHAPTER-MANHATTAN, KS DEDICATED TO ALL WWII VETERANS LEST WE FORGET THEIR GENERATION HONORING THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE SERVED BUT LET US BE GLAD THAT SUCH HEROES HAVE LIVED AND MOURN THOSE WHO GAVE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE BATTLEOF THE BULGE DECEMBER 16, 1944 - JANUARY 25, 1945 THE LARGEST AND BLOODIEST BATTLE FOUGHT BY THE UNITED STATES IN WORLD WAR II 640,000 AMERICAN SOLDIERS FOUGHT, 19,276 WERE KILLED 23,554 CAPTURED OR MISSING AND 47,493 WOUNDED" Rear face - Face arrière - Achterkant "DEDICATED JANUARY 24, 2015" Description - Description - Beschrijving The Kansas Chapter dedicated a granite bench on January 24, 2015 that sits directly across from Ike's statue and is centered between the library and museum. "It is the best location that we could have asked for" said then Chapter President Mark COLLINS. The bench allows people to relax in the rose garden and gaze at Ike's statue. Inauguration -Inauguration - Onthullig : 24 January / janvier / januari 2015. Ce monument ne comporte pas de noms de victimes de guerre - Er staan geen namen van oorlogsslachtoffers op dit monument |
Photos - Foto's :
Battle of the Bulge
Association; source - bron [139]